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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Tustin AYSO Region 96

I Registered, What to expect?

When do coaches get their teams?

Coaches will receive their teams at the Coaches Meeting before the season start. Approximately 3-4 weeks before the start of the first season games. 

When do players get notified?

Coaches will call or email the players’ families one or two weeks after they have received their teams. 

The season games start soon and I haven’t heard from my coach yet.  What do I do?

Don’t worry if you see teams practicing. Not all teams begin at the same time. Younger teams do not begin practices until one week prior to the season start. If your coach hasn’t contacted you and it is the week before the start of the season games, please email the Division Coordinator for your child's division.  Include your child’s name and gender/age division (e.g., GU10).  The Division Coordinator will put you in contact with your child’s coach.

What about practices?

Older teams may start to practice two to three weeks before the season games start, while younger teams start later, closer to the start of the season games.  Coaches decide their team’s practice days and times. For safety reasons and to avoid overcrowding, different ages practice at different fields. Your coach will tell you your team’s practice days, times and field, which will be at a local park or school.  Older teams usually practice twice per week; younger teams practice once.

When are games played?

Games are typically on Saturdays, but make-up games may be scheduled on Sundays. Summer games are played on Mondays and Wednesdays for boys and Tuesdays and Thursdays for girls.

What else does my child need?

The registration fee includes the complete uniform (jersey, shorts, socks), supplemental accident insurance, basic picture package (fall season only), professional training sessions, and a participation trophy for our younger players (fall season only).

You need to provide your child’s own soccer shoes, shin guards and other equipment such as a ball and water bottle.

Can my child play with a buddy?

Yes, in our younger divisions.  Just note your request on the registration form. We don’t allow buddy requests for older teams (U10+) where we try to balance teams to provide a more competitive and fun experience.

Complete the online Refund form. Requests received prior to the first game will receive a full refund less a $30 administrative fee per player. No refunds will be issued after the first scheduled game.


From toe to head and other gear...

All the requirements listed below come from either the Region 96 Guidelines, the AYSO National Rules and Regulations, or the FIFA Laws of the Game.

Where to Buy your Gear
Dick's Sporting Goods Not only has Dick's been a great partner to Tustin AYSO and youth sports overall, but they provide us with discounts (see your coach or the coupons sometimes available on this website) and they package deals with a ball, cleats and shin guards. This should be your first stop and likely your only stop for your gear.

It is best if each player has a ball to bring to training, but also to practice at home. Be sure to get a ball of the correct size based on age division:

Age Division
Ball Size
Under-5 & 6Size 3
Under-7 & 8Size 3
Under-9 & 10Size 4
Under-11 & 12Size 4
Under-13 & 14Size 5
Under-16Size 5
Under-19Size 5

All players must wear shoes (closed-toe and closed-heel). Cleats are not required, but are very helpful to those that prefer to remain upright. Yes, you can wear basic athletic shoes. When you buy cleats, buy the molded style soccer cleats. These are the ones with the set of molded plastic cleats on the sole. If you don't know the difference between soccer cleats and other sports, best way is to ask the sales person helping you, but for reference: soccer cleats have a low ankle (as opposed to mid used in football or high-tops used in basketball) and no toe cleat and are normally a fairly light shoe.

We strongly recommend against screw-ins (aka studs), unless you are looking to sprain your ankle as most fields in Orange County are too hard to need cleats longer than the molded style.

Plan to buy new cleats each year, they normally wear down through a season of playing. Also, you need to purchase them for the correct size - do not buy them large to grow into. Wearing cleats a size too big will have a detrimental effect on the player's performance as it reduces the player's touch, ability to control the ball and overall agility. It can also create additional movement of the foot inside the shoe to give a greater chance of getting blisters.

We provide the socks, it's recommended that you wear only the pair of socks provided and not wear an additional pair underneath. Wearing more than the single pair that we've provided can create additional movement of the foot inside the shoe and have a greater chance of creating blisters.

Shin Guards
These are all about size and style, the only wrong one is one that's too small. Figure the size to be three fingers from the shoe to cover to at least 3/4 the way up the shin bone. Sturrup or no sturrup - your choice. Wrap-around strap or not - your choice - but if you don't you'll need to secure the shin guard with tape or a sleeve, otherwise it'll move around and eventually fall out.

Putting on the Cleats, Socks and Shin Guards
The shin guards must be completely under the socks. Normally we say to put on the shin guards, then the socks, then the cleats. Do not put the sock on first and then roll it down over the shin guard. If you have it wrong you will be required to change before taking the field.

The game shorts are provided.

For Boys: It is recommended to wear briefs or compression/sliding shorts (preferred for olders). Boxer shorts are not recommended.

The shirt (called a jersey) is provided. Alterations are not allowed. Do not place the child's name on the back or anywhere on the uniform (For the younger ones, this is also a safety issue as children have been abducted in this fashion, by the abductor calling the kid by name and luring them just far enough away).

For Girls: Those who have begun wearing a bra are recommended to wear a sports bra.

AYSO National Rules & Regulations, VI.E: "No AYSO uniform may bear a team member's name"

None allowed, zip, nada except for Medical ID bracelets (and those must be taped securely to the wrist). Let's be clear: no earrings (no exceptions - the hole will not close up by the end of the game, even if recently pierced), no friendship bracelets, and no necklaces.

No hard objects in the hair. Items may be used to bind or hold back the hair, but those must be soft, nothing hard.

Casts or splints
Players may not play with any cast or splint. Players with a broken bone may not play until healed and cleared by a doctor (A clearance note must be given to the coach. Coaches: please retain this with their medical release). A soft brace may be used if approved as safe by the referee.

Playing Time

AYSO Philosophy: Everyone Plays®
The AYSO philosophy of Everyone Plays® is implemented through the AYSO rules and regulations to enforce that all players shall play at least half of every game. Many regions, including Tustin, have increased this to three quarters for at least their standard primary program.

Game Duration & Minimum Play Time

Age Division Game Duration Minimum Playing Time Core Program
Under-5 & 6 Four 8-minute quarters Three quarters
Under-7 & 8 Four 10-minute quarters Three quarters
Under-9 & 10 Two 25-minute halves Three quarters
Under-11 & 12 Two 30-minute halves Three quarters
Under-13 & 14 Two 35-minute halves Three quarters
Under-16 Two 40-minute halves 50% of game
Under-19 Two 45-minute halves 50% of game

Substitution Rules

Under-5 through Under-8
Substitutions may be made between each quarter, at halftime, and for injury.

Under-9 through Under-14
Substitutions may be made at the substitution breaks halfway through each half, at halftime, and for injury.

Under-16 & Under-19
Substitution may be made at halftime or any stoppage of play with the permission of the referee.

Minimum Playing Time Requirements

Summer Season
All players are to play at least three quarters of each game.

Fall Season
Standard Primary Program, Regular Season - Under-5 through Under-14
All players are to play at least three quarters of each game.

Mayor's Cup (Regional Playoffs) - Under-9 through Under-14
All players are to play at least three quarters of each game. (New, effective Fall 2013)

Area & Section Leagues/Tournaments
All-Star, EXTRA, Spring Select, Tournament & Regional Champion teams
To maintain an equitable level of competition with teams from other regions, all players must play at least half of each game. Coaches are encouraged to play each player three quarters.

Under-16 & Under-19 Teams, all seasons
Due to these teams being allotted larger rosters and play against other regions, the U16 and U19 teams are subject to the rule that each player must play half of each game. As these teams play games using free substitution, the timing and adherence to minimum play time may be approximate. For instance, a common tactic is to have two players share a position where each player plays half of each game, but since stoppages to allow substitutions are according to the flow of the game coaches are unable to precisely manage the game to give both exactly half.

Determining Play Time and Enforcement

In the event a player is injured during play and must leave the field, the coach has two options: (1) Substitute the player, in this event the player who started the quarter receives credit for playing that quarter in determining play time. (2) Play short and return the player to the game later (with the referee's permission).

Too Many Players
In the event that the team has more players in attendance than would allow for all players to play three quarters, some players will need to play only two quarters. However, in a game where at least one player plays only two quarters, no player may play all four quarters. Additionally, any player who has played only two quarters in one game shall not play only two quarters in another game until all players have sat out two quarters in a game.

Playing Privileges in AYSO
The above minimum playing times are regardless of ability or prior game/practice attendance. Should the coach feel the need to discipline a player for attitude by reducing playing time, all such requests must be approved by the Regional Commissioner (only extreme incident requests will even be considered). If anyone (including your coach, team parent, teammate, or other parents on the team) even suggests that you should voluntarily play less or not show up to a game for any reason other than injury or official suspension (from the region), please contact your division coordinator.

Enforcement of Minimum Play Time
As a volunteer organization, we do not have the resources to monitor the play time of all players. It is incumbent on the parents of a player not receiving their due time to report to their division coordinator. Coaches who abuse these rules are violating AYSO's original and core philosophy. Disciplinary action may include removal as a coach and a future prohibition on coaching in AYSO.

Referees are specifically instructed to not enforce playing time. They may mention to remind the coach if they become aware of a possible violation, but may not require that player to be played nor may they demand an explanation prior to restarting play. The referee's duty is to report to the league those players who played including the amount of playtime. The league will determine if any infractions occured and take action if warranted.

Financial Aid

Tustin area families in need of registration payment assistance may apply for financial aid for those children who meet eligibility requirements. To prevent misuse of our limited funds, those families requesting aid will be required to provide documentation that supports the financial need, such as proof of current government financial aid or that the child is a participant of a free school lunch program (Title I student).  Applicants will also be asked to assist with regional events or staff positions as referees, coaches, team parents, or board members.

Financial Aid is only available for players enrolled in a Tustin Unified School District school.

Typical aid grants are for $40 for each additional 3-4 hours of volunteer time provided to the Region.  For eligible applicants, financial aid is normally provided after the volunteer hours are approved and verified by a Region 96 Board Member using the approval form below.

For questions about financial aid, please see the documents below or email our Registrar.

Financial Aid Policy / Norma para Apoyo Financiero

Financial Aid Application (English).pdf

Financial Aid Application (Spanish).pdf

Reporting Problems/Disputes


As a volunteer organization, we do not have the resources to monitor all activities at all fields, practices, games and events. It is incumbent on all parents to assist us in recognizing problems and report those problems.

Reporting Problems

If you have recognized a problem, please follow this list of people to discuss the problem with:

  1. Coach and/or Team Parent;
  2. Division Coordinator;
  3. Regional Coach Administrator, Regional Team Parent, Regional Referee Administrator, or other appropriate board member;
  4. Assistant Regional Commissioner;
  5. Regional Commissioner.

Emails for each of the people above are listed in our directory. When sending an email, please include your name, your player's name, their division (including gender) and coach's name.  When describing the problem, please be specific. Please remember that all of our people dealing with your problem are volunteers and allow up to a week for a response.  We try hard to respond to all issues within 48 hours, but depending on the nature of the problem or issue, that is not always possible.

Please note that when you email someone further up the chain, our first action will be to discuss it with the person just below.  If they haven't yet been contacted, then they will contact you.

National Partners

Regional Sponsors

Contact Us

Tustin AYSO Region 96

13681 Newport Ave. Suite 8, Box 195
Tustin, California 92780

Email Us: [email protected]
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